Liberty Ladies Tournament

The 3rd Saturday of every month

$40 Entry Fee

$700 for 1st Place Guaranteed, based on 60 bowlers

  • All Ladies and Junior Female Bowlers Welcome
  • Experience a different Sport Shot Pattern each month
  • Check-in at 2p – Bowling starts at 3p
  • Entries will be closed after check-in period
  • $20 Handicap/Scratch Option
  • Bowl 5 games
  • Total pins will determine the champion in each division



Brackets will be available – Optional Scratch Singles, Doubles, Brackets, High Game Spots & Eliminator. Bowlers will have an choice to enter Scratch or Handicap division. For an additional $20 bowlers can enter both.


  1. Entry fee is $40, broken down as follows: $15 for lineage, $25 for the prize fund.
  2. $25 Optional to enter either scratch or handicap Div.
  3. Bowlers will receive 10 minutes of practice at 3 pm and begin bowling for score at 3:10pm
  4. One lane courtesy will be used
  5. Bowlers will move to the next pair after completion of every game throughout the tournament. No recap sheet needed
  6. Handicap will be based on 90% of 220, with a maximum handicap of 60 pins per game (300 total for 5 game series)
  7. The following rules shall be used to determine the entering average:
    • The 2022/2023 USBC Highest 21 game average listed on
    • If none, 2021/2022 USBC Highest 21 game average listed on
    • If none, 2020/2021 USBC Highest 21 game average listed on
    • If none, highest 2023 summer average (21 games minimum)
    • Bowlers without a verifiable average will enter with 220 avg.
    • The Sport or Challenge Conversion Chart shall apply to adjust Bowlers with a Sport or Challenge verifiable average only to Standard average.
    • If you bowl 20 pins over your book average, will be re-rated after 5 games.
    • Bowlero PBA League certified players will be allowed to use their average to enter the tournament. Re-rated rules will apply if they bowl 20 pins over that average. Tournament average will be assigned after 10 games when needed,
  8. The Tournament Director reserve the right to adjust a bowler’s average (re-rate) during year calendar.
  9. All junior gold members (youth bowlers) shall be eligible to bowl in Singles competitions (handicap and Scratch) including singles side competitions/brackets only. All awards are returned 100% to the Smart Account.
  10. All PWBA members shall be eligible to enter Scratch singles Division and Scratch Nassau’s only.
  11. Prize ratio will be 1:5
  12. All bowling balls must comply with current USBC standards.
  13. AII prize monies will be paid after the completion of the finals
  14. STRIKE THE POT, the new way to make money, rules will be display during competition
  15. The TournamentDirector will make all the final decisions pertaining to rules and/or entrance eligibility and his/her word is final.

This tournament is not USBC sanctioned, however we will use standard USBC rules.

Purple Hammer bowling balls manufactured during 2016 or 2017 (identified by serial numbers that start with either a “6” or “7”) are prohibited for use. Also the Storm Spectre bowling ball has been removed from the list of balls approved for USBC competition effective March 14, 2022. Both balls are prohibited to be use in the tournament.

To register, send the following information to; mailto:[email protected] or call 727.397.3947

  • Email address
  • USBC number
  • Phone number
  • First and last name

3 Person Trio Tournament

2nd Saturday of every month  –  USBC Certified
Squad 1 – starts at 3:30 pm – 32 teams
Squad 2 – starts at 6:30 pm  – 32 teams
Check-in 1 hour before start time
90% of 690 Team Handicap
Entry fee $40 per person  –  Prize fund $26.00  –  Lineage $14.00
$1,425.00 First Place GuaranteedBased on 64 Teams total for both squads
*Brackets available*

4 Person Team Tournament

4th Saturday of every month – USBC Certified
Squad 1 – starts at 3:00 pm – 32 teams
Squad 2 – starts at 6:30 pm  – 32 teams
Check-in 1 hour before start time
90% of 920 Team Handicap
Entry fee $40 per person  –  Prize fund $26.00  –  Lineage $14.00
$1,900.00 First Place GuaranteedBased on 64 Teams total for both squads
*Brackets available*

Liberty Lanes Rewards Program

Liberty Lanes Reward CardWe want you to get the most out of your time at Liberty Lanes – that’s why we have developed the Liberty Lanes Rewards Program. Every time you spend money at Liberty Lanes, you earn valuable points that you can use towards the purchase of food, drinks, or bowling!

  • 100 pts = $5 in rewards
  • 1,000 pts = $50 in rewards
  • 5,000 pts = $250 in rewards

Just stop by the front desk next time your at the bowling alley and ask for a rewards card to get started!